jeudi 30 octobre 2008

Field Assistant- Behavioral Endocrinology, Capuchins, Costa Rica

Hiring Organization:
Colleen Gault- affiliated with Living Links Center, Emory University & Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project

Date Posted:

Position Description:
I am looking for a field assistant to collect behavioral data and fecal samples (for hormonal analysis) on a well-habituated population of wild capuchin monkeys that have been studied in Costa Rica since 1990 as part of the Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project. Information about the field site, past publications, working conditions, and application instructions are available on the following website:
Read the detailed guide about working conditions (available in pdf form from the above site) before applying. The position advertised here is for a project affiliated with the Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project, but life will differ in several critical ways that will make this position appeal more or less to particular applicants relative to the position offered by Dr. Susan Perry.
1) You will not live in the big house in town but in a small house bounded by forest & mango orchard outside a small farming village next to the Lomas Barbudal Reserve
a. You will have fewer colleagues with which to socialize or to have to tolerate
(only me & another field assistant)
b. Thus, you will either learn more Spanish, get through your reading list, or
take up a hobby. You will also have to spend a greater percentage of
vacations houseguarding.
c. Public transport (to airports, beach, etc) will be less accessible for
emergencies, vacations, and visitors, but is still easy relative to most
field sites (about 2km from frequent buses).
d. You will not have to drive on the treacherous Pan-American highway every day
and night
e. Capuchin & howler monkeys will be regular guests in your backyard
f. Local discos will not keep you awake until 3am with thunderous bass.
2) Data collection will involve all day (12-13 hours) rather than 10-minute follows of individual monkeys
a. You must observe with the same monkey and all their interactions from dawn to
dusk each day and will only have an immense sense of accomplishment after
several successful days rather than after 10 successful minutes.
b. If the focal doesn't stop neither do you. This sometimes makes it difficult
to eat, drink, or relieve yourself in any fashion.
b. You will observe the ‘whole story’ behind the monkey drama for your focal,
rather than broken pieces.
c. This is protocol is too difficult in the rainy season so data is not
collected from July - late November
3) You will collect a great deal of fecal samples
a. Capuchin feces usually smell like fruit, and are thus much less disgusting
than yours, your dog’s or your cat’s.
b. You will spend 2-3 days/month drying & processing feces, which is tedious,
but a break from all-day follows.
4) You won’t be taking detailed data on Sloanea processing
5) I will be visiting local elementary school to teach kids about the monkeys & the forest. You will be able to choose your level of involvement in this, but it will be a great way to be less of an outsider in the community in which you'll live.

Anyone can apply, but we prefer candidates with some course work in animal behavior, some prior field experience, and some Spanish language skills. Some of these requirements can be waived for candidates that are exceptionally well qualified in other ways.
Must have medical insurance. Must be willing to work extremely hard, as our schedule is grueling. Be sure to thoroughly review the guide:

see below

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Room and board are provided, and up to $650 is provided for the plane fare, contingent upon completion of the work agreed upon. You must provide your own medical insurance and cover your own medical costs. Essentially all of your basic living expenses will be covered, and depending on the grant funding, at least $50/month will be provided for incidental expenses as well.
This internship provides extremely intensive training, and trainees from the first 16 years of the Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project have had 100% success in their graduate school applications (N=23 applicants to grad school).

Term of Appointment:
Mid January 2009 - late June 2009

Application Deadline:
December 1st, 2008

To apply, follow the instructions at, but send application materials to Colleen Gault ( and cc them to Susan Perry (, making clear that you are applying for my (Colleen’s) position. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Contact Information:
Colleen Gault
Living Links Center, Emory University, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, 954 N. Gatewood Road
Atlanta, GA 30329

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:


E-mail Address: