lundi 14 février 2011

Bird behaviour

SOUTHWESTERN WILLOW FLYCATCHER FIELD CREW LEADER (1) and FIELD RESEARCH ASSISTANTS (3) are needed to assist with research on a population of Southwestern Willow Flycatchers along the South Fork of the Kern River in southern California. The study aims to understand factors affecting population dynamics and breeding success of this endangered subspecies. The study site is situated in the foothills of the southern Sierra Nevada. Assistants will participate in population surveys, nest searching, target netting, resighting color-banded birds, cowbird trapping, vegetation sampling, and data entry. For Assistants:
enthusiasm for fieldwork, persistence, and ability to deal with harsh field conditions (extreme heat, rough, uneven terrain) are more important than past experience or specific knowledge. For the Crew
Leader: field and leadership experience are required as is the ability to coordinate activities of up to 5 people working on several projects.
All applicants must be able to work independently and as part of a team.
The positions will last from mid-Apr to Oct (Crew Leader) and mid-May to late-Aug (Assistants). Start and end dates are somewhat flexible.
Housing is provided free and salaries are $1,800-$2,100/month for Crew Leader and $1,400-$1,700/month for Assistants, according to experience.
Applicants should email a cover letter stating their interest in the position, dates of availability, a resume, and names and contact information (email and phone) of three references to: MARY WHITFIELD
(EM: at the Southern Sierra Research Station (URL: by 21 Apr. The Southern Sierra Research Station is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

GOLDEN EAGLE PROJECT FLIGHT & FIELD ASSISTANT NEEDED – Join the Golden Eagle Project! This job will provide a unique wildlife experience. The job will include flying over U.S. Forest Service National Grasslands and the rugged badlands of North Dakota located around Theodore Roosevelt National Park and the Little Missouri River. The focus of the project is to study the majestic Golden Eagle while viewing wildlife and beautiful scenery. Job Information: Deadlines for applications: 16 Feb; will accept applications until filled. Starting date: 14 Mar (Monday) Training. Ending Date: 14 Aug 2011 (weather dependent). Pay: $6,400 or $10.00/hr (approx. 20-40 hours per week for 4/5 months). Housing will be provided if necessary. Employer: Dickinson State University. Principle
Investigator: Dr. Anne Marguerite Coyle. Resume to: GAIL EBELTOFT. (PH:
701-483-2476, FX: 701-483-2574). Email to: (EM: or 291 Campus Drive; Dickinson, ND 58601. URL:
Job Duties: Conduct flight surveys for all known golden eagle nesting sites located on or around US Forest Service lands. Conduct systematic golden eagle nesting population survey. Operate and maintain computer survey systems. Operate laptop and GPS unit using Excel, GIS, and photographic software. Coordinate with pilot to set flight times and meeting place. Communicate with supervisor to update and confirm flight times and meeting place. Maintain Golden Eagle Database: Data entry and backups; photographic documentation and organization of all nest sites; download and process telemetry data. Possible ground checks of occupied nesting sites for determining survivorship. Collection of carcasses and evaluation of potential causes of mortality. Other project activities and duties as assigned. Job Expectations/Qualifications: Applicant must be very hard working. Preference will be given to those that have experience with GIS/GPS/Excel software and data entry experience. Must be able to endure uncomfortable conditions. Flights and field work can be during all weather types from very cold (snowing) to very hot (100’s). Hiking long distances in extremely rugged terrain may be required. Must be able to work long days, sometimes starting at daylight and ending at sunset. Must be available weekends and weekdays. Riding in the plane is very rigorous. The applicant must be able to overcome sickness or not have difficulties with flying in a two seat, Piper-super cub or Cessna plane. To locate nest sites, the pilot circles numerous times in circles or figure eight formations. Only the best, experienced pilots are hired. Flights will only be conducted when conditions are safe for both the assistant and the nesting birds. Must be able to work on a computer while riding in the plane. Air sickness or inability to overcome will be cause for termination of the position. Must be willing to communicate and able to work independently to coordinate flights with pilot and supervisor. Must be detailed oriented, thorough, and have excellent interpersonal skills to work with agency personal or landowners. For more information on the Golden Eagle Project visit:; note contact information on the website is out of date.

PHD ASSISTANTSHIP. The Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the School of Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska are accepting applications for a Ph.D. assistantship examining the implications of wind energy development on a grassland bird community in the sandhills of Nebraska. The primary objective of this project is to assess behavioral, population, and/or community impacts of wind farm siting decisions with the aim of facilitating siting decisions that simultaneously maximize energy potential and ecological resilience. The successful candidate will start in Aug 2011 and be expected to develop a research project within these guidelines in conjunction with natural resource mangers within the state of Nebraska. The successful applicant will be highly motivated, with a strong work ethic, a passion for field work, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work in collaboration. Field work and data collection for the project will involve surveying birds and vegetation, supervising field crews in remote locations throughout the region, and spending considerable time in the field (4 months/year). Applicants must be comfortable working outside in adverse weather conditions and remote locations. Familiarity with avian survey methods, GIS, vegetation sampling, radio telemetry, and banding techniques is a plus. Applicants should possess a M.S. in Wildlife Biology, Biology, Zoology, Botany, or related field and have a valid driver’s license. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, email addresses of 3 references, GRE scores, transcripts, and an updated CV as an electronic PDF or Word document to: (EM: For more information visit (URL: