dimanche 30 septembre 2012

Post doc position, Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition, Toulouse, France

Post-doc fellowship in Yves Trotter team. 

Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition, Toulouse, France 

Starting date: January 2013 or shortly later 

One postdoctoral position is available in the team of Yves Trotter including Simona Celebrini, Benoit Cottereau, Jean Baptiste Durand, Denis Fize and Alexandra Séverac-Cauquil. The position is related to the study of visual processing optimization by postural and navigation cues in the peripersonal space (ANR grant). This project will test the hypothesis that objects located in behaviourally relevant portions of space, either 2D or 3D, receive a privileged visual processing as a result of the combination of different sensory channels in both static (posture) and dynamic spatial contexts (navigation). 

To approach this topic of posture and navigation in the near and front space, powerful and complementary methodologies are available: psychophysics, visual evoked potential in humans, fMRI in both human and non human primates and extracellular recordings in non human primates. The candidate should master at least two of these approaches with the possibility of getting familiar with the others. 

The applicant should hold a background in neuroscience and skills with matlab. Also other programming and statistics efficiencies will be appreciated. 

The position is for 1 year-renewable with standard French salaries. Applications should be sent to yves.trotter [ à ] cerco.ups-tlse.fr including a CV and the name and contact of two references.