lundi 28 octobre 2013

Graduate Student Opportunity: Human-Dog Relations in Botswana (Guelph Geography)

I am actively seeking a Masters student to work on issues related to companion animals in Southern Africa.

Specifically, I have one funded position (i.e. field expenses and stipend) through the MA Program in Geography at the University of Guelph to explore people's perceptions of and interactions with domestic/feral dogs in Maun, Botswana.

Students should have completed an undergraduate degree in Geography or a related discipline with a GPA in the A range (over 80%) in their last two years of study.

Students should also have an interest in or possess skills associated with cross-cultural social science research. An adventurous spirit, love of both theory and fieldwork, and passion about the role of animals in human society are essential.

Please be sure to check out my website ( ) and details of other animal-related projects that are part of my research team focused on The Lives of Animals in Botswana ( ).

Contact me directly ( ) should you be interested.
Dr. Alice J. Hovorka
Chair (Acting)
Department of Geography
University of Guelph
Hutt Building, Room 118A & 346
Guelph ON N1G 2W1 CANADA

Tel: 519-824-4120 ext. 56722 or 54338 

jeudi 24 octobre 2013

Analyser des images de cerveau d’oiseau chanteur, Bio-Imaging Lab de l’Université d’Anvers, Belgique, Mars 2014

Short internship offer (March 2014) 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a powerful technique that can provide detailed anatomical images of the whole brain. Recent developments have allowed small brains to be imaged and have led to the development of 3D atlases of the brain of different animal species. The intern will analyse images of the brain of a songbird. Songbirds are a good model to study brain plasticity, especially in relation to vocal learning. Starlings are highly social songbirds that are widely used in laboratory research. We therefore want to develop an MRI 3D atlas of the starling brain. We already acquired high-resolution images of a starling brain and we are now looking for someone to analyse these images. The objective will be to manually delineate the regions of interest involved in song perception, learning and production, using dedicated 3D analysis software (Amira). 

The intern will sign an agreement with Rennes 1 University (France) and will have to spend up to one month in the pioneering and leading lab in songbird brain imaging, the Bio-Imaging Lab of the University of Antwerp (Belgium), in March 2014. Travel from France to Belgium and accommodation expenses in Belgium will be covered. A good knowledge of neuroanatomy is necessary and knowledge of MRI would be appreciated. A good command of English is required. 

For more information, please contact [ chez ] and geert.degroof [ chez ] 
To apply, please send a CV and a cover letter. 

Reading suggestions: 
Güntürkün, O., Verhoye, M., De Groof, G., Van der Linden, A., 2013. A 3-dimensional digital atlas of the ascending sensory and the descending motor systems in the pigeon brain. Brain Struct. Funct. 218, 269–281. 
Poirier, C., Vellema, M., Verhoye, M., Van Meir, V., Wild, J.M., Balthazart, J., Van Der Linden, A., 2008. A three-dimensional MRI atlas of the zebra finch brain in stereotaxic coordinates. Neuroimage 41, 1–6. 

Offre de stage court (Mars 2014) 

L’Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique (IRM) constitue un outil précieux pour réaliser des images anatomiques détaillées du cerveau entier. Les progrès récents de cette technique permettent d’imager des cerveaux de plus en plus petits. Cela a conduit au développement d’atlas du cerveau de plusieurs espèces animales. Dans ce stage, il s’agira d’analyser des images de cerveau d’oiseau chanteur. Les oiseaux chanteurs constituent un modèle privilégié pour étudier la plasticité cérébrale en lien avec l’apprentissage vocal. L’étourneau en particulier est un oiseau chanteur hautement social largement étudié en laboratoire. Dans ce cadre, nous souhaitons développer un atlas en 3 dimensions du cerveau d’étourneau à l’aide de l’IRM. Des images haute résolution du cerveau d’un étourneau ont déjà été acquises et nous cherchons un stagiaire pour analyser ces images. L’objectif du stage sera de segmenter manuellement les structures d’intérêt impliquées dans la perception, dans l’apprentissage et dans la production du chant à l’aide d’un logiciel d’analyse d’images spécifique (Amira). 

Le stagiaire aura une convention avec l’Université de Rennes 1 (France) et devra passer jusqu’à 1 mois au Bio-Imaging Lab de l’Université d’Anvers (Belgique), laboratoire pionnier et leader de l’imagerie par IRM chez les oiseaux chanteurs, en Mars 2014. Les frais de voyage entre la France et la Belgique et d’hébergement en Belgique seront pris en charge. Une bonne connaissance de la neuroanatomie est nécessaire et une connaissance de l’IRM serait appréciée. La maîtrise de l’anglais est indispensable. 

Pour plus d’information, contacter [ chez ] 
Pour candidater, envoyer CV détaillé et lettre de motivation. 

A lire : 
Güntürkün, O., Verhoye, M., De Groof, G., Van der Linden, A., 2013. A 3-dimensional digital atlas of the ascending sensory and the descending motor systems in the pigeon brain. Brain Struct. Funct. 218, 269–281. 
Poirier, C., Vellema, M., Verhoye, M., Van Meir, V., Wild, J.M., Balthazart, J., Van Der Linden, A., 2008. A three-dimensional MRI atlas of the zebra finch brain in stereotaxic coordinates. Neuroimage 41, 1–6. 

mercredi 23 octobre 2013

Post-doc en Ingénierie écologique

Contrat d'un an

Descriptif de la structure
Le Groupe ISA est un établissement d'enseignement privé situé au coeur de l’Université Catholique de Lille. Il propose une gamme de formations (ingénieur, licences, masters et apprentissage) et des activités de recherche et de conseil aux entreprises dans les secteurs de l’agriculture, l’agroalimentaire, l’environnement et du paysage. Le Groupe ISA accueille plus de 1 100 étudiants et regroupe une équipe de 120 salariés, dont 50 enseignants-chercheurs, 10 ingénieurs d’études et 12 techniciens (
Dans le cadre d’un remplacement temporaire, le Groupe ISA recherche un jeune chercheur pour un CDD d’un an. Le candidat sera rattaché à l’Equipe Sols et Environnement (ESE), membre du Laboratoire Génie Civil et géoEnvironnement Lille Nord de France ( L’ESE comprend une quinzaine de personnes dont les thématiques de recherche visent à améliorer les connaissances sur les sols affectés à des degrés divers par les activités humaines : cartographie, évaluation des potentialités agronomiques des terres agricoles, étude du comportement des polluants dans les sols, transfert des contaminants vers la biosphère et l’homme, mise au point et évaluation de techniques de remédiation des sols fortement contaminés par les métaux.

Descriptif des missions
Le candidat retenu contribuera au sein d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire à l’amélioration des connaissances sur les effets des perturbations humaines sur les communautés d’invertébrés des sols. Il aura en charge la mise en place d’un programme de recherche dont l’objectif est de restaurer la biodiversité faunistique sur des sols fortement contaminés par les activités passées d’une fonderie de plomb. Il participera au suivi d’un travail de thèse et contribuera à la valorisation des résultats obtenus.

Compétences requises
Être titulaire du doctorat
Avoir de solides connaissances fondamentales et appliquées en écologie animale des agrosystèmes
Aptitude à travailler en équipe

Lieu du travail
Groupe ISA, Equipe Sols et Environnement - LGCgE
48 boulevard Vauban 59046 Lille Cedex

Les candidats adresseront leur dossier à Francis Douay (

Offre de Stage sur la prosocialité chez des rongeurs

Thème : Prosocialité chez des rongeurs.
Encadrement : Dalila BOVET et Mathilde LALOT.
Durée : Plusieurs périodes de stage de 2 mois possibles durant l’année 2013-2014.
Lieu : Laboratoire d’Éthologie et Cognition Comparées (LECC) et Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes.
Description : Tests cognitifs chez des rongeurs (notamment des cochons d’Inde).
Qualifications : Niveau bac+2 minimum en biologie, agronomie ou éthologie. Etre rigoureux, motivé et patient. Convention de stage obligatoire.
Indemnité mensuelle : aucune.
Contact : Envoyer CV et lettre de motivation par mail à Dalila Bovet ( ET à Mathilde Lalot (

mardi 22 octobre 2013

Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Animal Behavior and Well-Being

Position Description: 
This search is for a 9-month tenure track assistant professor with an 80% Extension and 20% teaching joint appointment. The Extension educational program will promote best animal management practices and serve as a resource to members of the Agricultural and Food industries with regard to animal well-being. The faculty member will work closely with campus-based colleagues, County Extension Educators, Area Specialists, and industry toward a common goal of providing support for the state’s animal industries. This will include development of fact sheets, workshops, in-service training opportunities and participation in a Community of Practice. Additional expectations include teaching a course in Animal Behavior and Well-Being, contributing to other courses taught in the Department, and advising undergraduate students. The new faculty member will work closely with other faculty colleagues in the Department of Animal Sciences and the College of Veterinary Medicine. Opportunity exists to address complex questions that impact the sustainability and vitality of the food animal industries in Ohio. 
Expectations: The new hire would be expected to establish a novel scholarly program in Extension while also contributing to teaching and applied research. Significant potential exists for interaction and collaboration with scientists across a large University. This position request addresses the national Food Animal Integrated Research 2012 priority of One Health. 

Requirements include a Ph.D. in animal science, animal behavior, animal ethology or a closely related field. Documented interest and experience in one or more food animal industries is required. Applicants must have a strong interest in developing and providing Extension educational programs; possess strong interpersonal and communication skills; and the ability and desire to work with others in a collegial team environment. Leadership and academic excellence should be evident in the application. 

Rank: Assistant Professor 

Salary: Competitive and commensurate with education and experience. 

Location: Columbus Campus of The Ohio State University 

Application deadline: November 1, 2013, or until a suitable candidate is identified. 

Application Procedure: Candidates should submit a letter of application, official academic transcripts and a complete Curriculum Vitae that includes background, education and experience. 

Candidate should also arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to: 
Dr. Henry Zerby 
Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University 
110 Animal Science Building, 2029 Fyffe Court 
Columbus, OH 43210-1095 

Candidates may also contact Dr. Henry Zerby (, for additional information. 

The Ohio State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer with a commitment to diversity in its workforce

Ph.D. Student Position Available

‘Impact of cow housing comfort on behaviour and udder health’ 

Ph.D. Student Position Available 

Research Area: 
The research area is within animal behaviour, health and welfare. The successful candidate will develop an in-depth understanding of the impact that dairy cattle housing has on cow comfort and udder health. Specific research will be conducted aimed at identifying housing management systems that provide both a suitable environment for the cow to stand, and thus reduce lameness, but equally important also provide a clean, dry lying surface that promotes cow comfort and udder health. This information will be used to provide recommendations for suitable environments for the cow to stand, and lie down, in to reduce rates of udder infection and improve cow welfare. 

Start Date: The position is available starting May 2014, with funding for 3 years. An earlier or later start date may be negotiable. 

Program and Place of Work: 
Funding has been made available to for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) graduate student program through the Dept. of Animal and Poultry Science ( at the University of Guelph ( This position will be primarily located at the Kemptville Campus (, located 30 min south of Ottawa (Canada’s capital city). 

Candidates should have a Master’s degree in animal science, veterinary medicine, physiology, or biological sciences. The successful candidate will have demonstrated strong research capabilities through their previous graduate program, as well as strong academic performance and verbal and written communication skills throughout their postgraduate studies. 
Training and experience in animal behaviour, nutrition and welfare research is desirable; those 
candidates with a background in any one of these disciplines are also strongly encouraged to apply. 

Application Interest: 
Interested candidates should please send, by email (, a current curriculum vitae, names and contact information for three references, and a cover letter describing his or her research experience and interest in the project. 

For further information about the above Ph.D. research opportunity please contact: 
Dr. Trevor DeVries, Associate Professor 
Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph, Kemptville Campus 
830 Prescott Street, Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 CANADA 
Telephone: 613-258-8336, ext.61458 

Ph.D. Student Position Available

‘Behaviour and welfare of cows milked in automated systems’ 

Ph.D. Student Position Available 

Research Area: 
The research area is within animal behaviour, health and welfare. The successful candidate will develop an in-depth understanding of the impact of automated (robotic) milking on behaviour and welfare of dairy cows. Specific research will be conducted aimed at determining how milking activity can be used to identify cows at risk of, or experiencing, illness or lameness. Further, research will be conducted on how cow-level factors, such as social status, behavioral patterns, stage of lactation, parity, and health status influence milking frequency in automated milking systems. This information will be used to provide recommendations for automated systems on how best to optimize milking frequency and automatically identify cows at risk of, or experiencing, illness. 

Start Date: The position is available starting May 2014, with funding for 3 years. An earlier or later start date may be negotiable. 

Program and Place of Work: 
Funding has been made available to for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) graduate student program through the Dept. of Animal and Poultry Science ( at the University of Guelph ( This position will be primarily located at the Kemptville Campus (, located 30 min south of Ottawa (Canada’s capital city). 

Candidates should have a Master’s degree in animal science, veterinary medicine, physiology, or biological sciences. The successful candidate will have demonstrated strong research capabilities through their previous graduate program, as well as strong academic performance and verbal and written communication skills throughout their postgraduate studies. 
Training and experience in animal behaviour, nutrition and welfare research is desirable; those candidates with a background in any one of these disciplines are also strongly encouraged to apply. 

Application Interest: 
Interested candidates should please send, by email (, a current curriculum vitae, names and contact information for three references, and a cover letter describing his or her research experience and interest in the project. 

For further information about the above Ph.D. research opportunity please contact: 
Dr. Trevor DeVries, Associate Professor 
Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph, Kemptville Campus 
830 Prescott Street, Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 CANADA 
Telephone: 613-258-8336, ext.61458 

PhD position: Negotiating over parental care: how do parents react to each other?

PhD position:
Negotiating over parental care: how do parents react to each other?
Vacancy number AnE-013090

This PhD position (1.0 FTE) is funded by a grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and will be carried out at the Department of Animal Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) in close collaboration with the Behavioural Ecology Group, Department of Animal Science, Wageningen University (WUR).

Project description: Family life is one of the most familiar forms of social behaviour, but we are still far from a complete understanding of the selection pressures shaping parental care. In particular, little is known about the behavioural rules that parents use to negotiate over parental care. This project will use state-of-the-art radio tracking technology, together with acoustic recording, to simultaneously monitor the position and vocalisations of both members of great tit Parus major pairs in the wild during the nestling provisioning phase. The project will address questions such as: To what extent is the behaviour of pairs coordinated in time or space? And how is behaviour modified by proximity to the partner or signalling by the partner?

Requirements: We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic person with an MSc or equivalent degree in behavioural ecology or a related field, and with strong field, experimental and analytical skills. Candidates must be willing to organise and conduct intensive ornithological fieldwork and handle large volumes of data generated by automated data collection; have good organisational and (written and spoken) communication skills, and the ability to collaborate with others;  be willing to travel internationally, to attend conferences, and visit other institutes; have a driving license.

Appointment: This is a temporary appointment, initially for 1 year and upon satisfactory progress prolonged for a maximum of 4 years total.
Salary: The gross salary starts at € 2.083, - per month in the 1st year, and will gradually increase to a maximum of € 2.638, - per month in the 4th year, scale P, Collective Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten), plus 8% holiday pay and a year-end bonus. We offer an extensive package of fringe benefits.
Location: The Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) in Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Information: A detailed project description can be found at: . Further information is available on request from Dr Kate Lessells  (; Tel +31(0)317-473444). Information about the Netherlands Institute of Ecology can be found at /

Applications: Please send your application including complete curriculum vitae and names of three referees to The closing date for applications is 15 November 2013, with interviews planned before the end of 2013.

jeudi 17 octobre 2013

Post-doc position at University of Parana -Brazil

We are advertising for a post-doc position in the Center for Marine Studies at the University of Paraná Brazil. Please share this information with your colleagues and potential candidates.

The position is for two or up to four years and the salary U$ 2,100.00.  Candidates will be selected based on their CV and on a research project that they should submit with their registration (deadline is 28 October). The subject of the project should be related to Biology and Ecology of Coastal and Oceanic Systems.

Interested candidates can get in contact with me.


Érica A. G. Vidal, Ph.D  
Centro de Estudos do Mar. Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
Center for Marine Studies - University of Parana - UFPR
Cx. P. 61. Pontal do Paraná - PR
83255-976 - Brasil / Brazil
Tel: + 55 (41) 3511 8600; 3511 8618; FAX: (41) 3511 8648                                                                            

Stage M1-M2 Etude appliquée du comportement des insectes

Nous sommes une PMI du sud-ouest de la France (Sud de Toulouse) fournissant ses propres marques et les grands distributeurs, avec des produits issus de la biochimie de spécialité et de l’incorporation en matrice polymère. Nous développons notre activité dans le secteur des applications de contrôle des nuisibles, en privilégiant des solutions plus respectueuses de l'environnement. Ainsi, notre technologie de polymères synthétiques et biodégradables permet de diffuser de manière continue et durable des attractifs/répulsifs modifiant le comportement des nuisibles.

Au sein du laboratoire d’entomologie de notre équipe de recherche et développement, nous souhaitons recruter un stagiaire pour réaliser des études sur le comportement des insectes. Différents sujets de recherche en laboratoire sont à développer ; le sujet précis du stage sera défini à l’issu de l’entretien, en fonction des besoins de l’entreprise et des préférences du (de la) candidat(e). Une formation en biologie/écologie et un fort intérêt pour l'étude du comportement sont vivement souhaités. Une connaissance en écologie chimique serait un plus et une bonne connaissance de l'anglais est nécessaire.

Le (la) candidat(e) aura pour tâche de :
- mesurer l’efficacité de la modification du comportement des insectes,
- chercher et formuler de nouvelles odeurs visant à améliorer l’efficacité des produits existants,
- formaliser les résultats sous la forme d'un rapport scientifiquement étayé,
- maintenir l'élevage existant,
- effectuer une bibliographie sur les méthodes de tests comportementaux et les résultats d'autres études scientifiques.

Le (la) candidat(e) devra démontrer les capacités suivantes :
- sens de l’organisation obligatoire, notamment pour la planification de son travail,
- être flexible, motivé(e) et multitâches,
- avoir un intérêt prononcé pour la biologie appliquée ; le but de l'étude étant la mise au point de produits commerciaux basés sur des technologies variées dans le contexte concurrentiel et réglementaire de l’entreprise.

Si le stage devait durer plus de 2 mois, il serait rémunéré au tarif conventionné. Pour plus de renseignements, merci de nous contacter à l’adresse suivante :

mardi 15 octobre 2013


We are seeking a research assistant to help us with an exciting new study on prosociality in pet dogs. We are currently running two experiments to investigate whether or not dogs will choose to benefit their friends. Because of their close cooperation with humans over thousands of years, dogs make an excellent species for studying altruistic behaviours. We are seeking someone to work alongside our small team of researchers and to be involved in the following areas of research: 

The main focus will be on helping the current researchers with training dogs using positive reinforcement (to manipulate the apparatus and wear heart rate belts) and running cognitive experiments. There will also be opportunities to learn about video coding software, data preparation and entry, recruitment of dogs and analysing heart rate data. 
This would be a great opportunity for anyone with a background in biology, psychology, zoology etc. or dog training who is looking to gain experience in cognitive studies in non-human animals and/or training dogs in a unique context.

·         Applicants should be reliable and organised but the position also requires some flexibility in terms of working around the schedules of dog owners.
·         Proficient English language.  German language skills are an advantage but not essential.
·         Previous experience with dogs or animal training is preferred but not essential.
Term of position: Starting as soon as possible for a minimum of 3 months, but a 6-month commitment would be preferable.

Location: Clever Dog Lab, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria

Application: please contact Dr. Friederike Range ( with a CV and short explanation of your reasons for applying.
Contact: Questions about the position should directed to Friederike Range or Sarah Marshall-Pescini  (

Lab Manager Position

The advertisement for our replacement for Drasko is now online:

Deadline is 3 Nov. text copied below.  The position will be for 8.5 months.

Please pass it on to any interested candidates! Might be suitable as a short-term bridge position for a recent PhD, or other academic looking for experience in lab management.

Best, Tecumseh

*  Prof. W. Tecumseh Fitch, PhD            *
**  Dept. of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria  **
**  +43-1-4277-76111 office;   email:    **

Laboratory Manager at the Department of Cognitive Biology is vacant.

Identification number of advertisement: 4358

A full-time laboratory manager position is available in the group of Prof. W Tecumseh Fitch at the Department of Cognitive Biology (Faculty of Life Sciences), as of 14.10.2013, running as a replacement for 8.5 months. The manager will help run the laboratory of Prof. Tecumseh Fitch, and will be responsible for research project management and administration. The successful candidate will join a team of several post-docs and PhD students and will work alongside a secretary, project manager, and IT manager. The research in the Fitch Lab focuses on human and animal cognition of language, vision, music and art. Co-authorship on publications for the successful candidates is possible.

Extent of Employment: 40 hours/week
Occupation group in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: §54 VwGr. IVa
On top of this relevant chargeable work experience determines the assessment to a particular salary grade.

Areas of work:
Duties include scheduling and running lab meetings, project management (ensuring that deadlines are met), overseeing Masters and PhD students; managing the laboratory budget; working with other lab members in preparing and managing grants; and aiding with conference and visitor organization. An ability to multi-task, to work under pressure, to make decisions, and to work well with others is crucial.

The prerequisites for this position are: ability to multi-task, sensible decision-making under pressure and strong performance when working in teams. The candidate must be extremely organized, energetic, hard-working, efficient and responsible, and be able to work with and manage a diverse group of scientists of many nationalities. Excellent command of English (spoken and written) and good command of German are required, since the Department is run in English.

An understanding of scientific research, funding and publication is required for this job. Minimum requirements for the position include a Diploma or M.A. / M.Sc. degree, with PhD degree preferred. Significant background (coursework or research experience) in human or animal experimental work is highly desirable.

Educational institution
Educational level       Special subject Importance
Social sciences Psychology      SHOULD
Biology, Botany, Zoology        -       SHOULD

Language level  Importance
Excellent knowledge     MUST
Good knowledge  MUST

Type of computer skills
Specified computer skills       Importance
Basic Knowledge
MS Office       MUST
Programming language
Others  SHOULD

Applications including a letter of motivation (German or English) should be sent via Job Center to the University of Vienna ( no later than 03.11.2013 and be referenced to  the identification number 4358.

For further information please contact Kavcik, Nadja    +43-1-4277-76101, Boko, Drasko  +43-1-4277-76107.

The University of Vienna intends to increase the number of women on its faculty, particularly in high-level positions, and therefore specifically invites applications by women. Among equally qualified applicants women will receive preferential consideration.

Human Resources and Gender Equality of the University of Vienna
Identification number of advertisement: 4358


lundi 14 octobre 2013


We are seeking a research assistant to help us with an exciting new study on prosociality in pet dogs. We are currently running two experiments to investigate whether or not dogs will choose to benefit their friends. Because of their close cooperation with humans over thousands of years, dogs make an excellent species for studying altruistic behaviours. We are seeking someone to work alongside our small team of researchers and to be involved in the following areas of research:
The main focus will be on helping the current researchers with training dogs using positive reinforcement (to manipulate the apparatus and wear heart rate belts) and running cognitive experiments. There will also be opportunities to learn about video coding software, data preparation and entry, recruitment of dogs and analysing heart rate data. This would be a great opportunity for anyone with a background in biology, psychology, zoology etc. or dog training who is looking to gain experience in cognitive studies in nonhuman animals and/or training dogs in a unique context.
• Applicants should be reliable and organised but the position also requires some flexibility in terms of working around the schedules of dog owners.
• Proficient English language. German language skills are an advantage but not essential.
• Previous experience with dogs or animal training is preferred but not essential.

Term of position: Starting as soon as possible for a minimum of 3 months, but a 6-month commitment would be preferable.

Location: Clever Dog Lab, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria
Application: please contact Dr. Friederike Range ( with a CV and short explanation of your reasons for applying.
Contact: Questions about the position should directed to Friederike Range or Sarah Marshall-Pescini (

vendredi 11 octobre 2013

Orangutan Fieldwork Volunteer

Hiring Organization:
University of Zurich

Date Posted:

Position Description:
We are looking for volunteers for a PhD project investigating learning behavior of wild immature orangutans. The work of the volunteers will include collecting behavioral data and fecal samples as well as helping with archiving and organizing data at camp and helping with collective work at the research station such as phenology work and nest counts. 
The study is conducted at Suaq Balimbing research station in the Gunung Leuser National park, Aceh Selatan, Sumatra, Indonesia as well as at Tuanan Research station, Kalimantan Tengah, Borneo, Indonesia. Data collection will be carried out in the form of nest to nest follows of the focal animals, through the peat swamp forest. Follow days will be very demanding: camp will be left before dawn, followed by an up to 1.5 hours walk to the nest position and then full day observations by following the focal animal through the study area until the evening nest around dusk will be carried out.
The volunteers will be accommodated in a basic camp together with students, other researchers and local field assistants. There is no hot water at camp as well as no electricity apart from generator power at the evenings for some hours. There is only a weak or no cell phone signal (depending on the field site) as well as no internet.

Applicants should:

• Preferably have a background in Biology or any related field
• Have experience with field work 
• Be in excellent physical condition as the work in the peat swamp is demanding including long walks through the tropical swamp forest, getting up early and long work days
• Be ready to live under very basic conditions and close together with a small team of international researcher and local field assistants 
• Be resistant to social and psychological stress 
• Be able to live remote and isolated, with very limited contact to the outside world
• Be experienced with traveling and living in foreign countries and cultures
• Have good observing skills including patience, persistence and attention to detail
• Be willing to learn the local language Bahasa Indonesia as the local staff speak very little English only 
• Be ready to travel independently in Indonesia and wait for permits in different cities
• Be motivated, energetic and have the ability to maintain a positive attitude towards tiring and exhausting work

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Travel and permits expenses will be covered after at least a 6 months stay.

Term of Appointment:
We are looking for volunteers working for at least 6 months starting in the field around December 2013/ January 2014.

Interested applicants can send their CV, a short letter of motivation and at least one reference to:

Contact Information:
Winterthurerstr. 190
Zurich, none 8057


E-mail Address:

Assistant Professor - Primate Behavioral Ecology

Hiring Organization:
Department of Anthropology, Stony Brook University

Date Posted:

Position Description:
As part of an interdepartmental initiative in Human Evolutionary Biology, Stony Brook University invites applications for a tenure-track position in the Department of Anthropology at the level of Assistant Professor, beginning in the fall of 2014. The successful candidate for this position will have an outstanding research program, a commitment to excellence in teaching, and will participate in a new undergraduate major in Human Evolutionary Biology jointly offered by the Departments of Anthropology and of Ecology & Evolution.

The successful candidate will teach an undergraduate course on “Evolution of Human Behavior” for Human Evolutionary Biology majors and will be expected to teach additional undergraduate courses in her/his area of expertise, secure external research funding, and play an active role in our highly ranked graduate program.

The Department of Anthropology seeks a scientist specializing in the behavioral ecology of primates. Minimum qualifications include a Ph.D. in anthropology, biology, psychology, or a closely-related field at the time of employment and the ability to teach a class on the evolution of human behavior.

Desired qualifications include a strong record of field, laboratory, and/or model-based research, evidence of research productivity (grants, publications), and teaching effectiveness. Research focus is open, but multidisciplinary approaches including genetics or physiology of behavior are particularly welcomed.

Term of Appointment:
Tenure-track, anticipated start date is September 1, 2014

Application Deadline:
November 15, 2013

Contact Information:
Department of Anthropology - Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4364

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:


E-mail Address:

PhD position:Behaviour, ecology and evolution of cichlid fish University of Groningen, the Netherlands

PhD position: Behaviour, ecology and evolution of cichlid fish 
University of Groningen, the Netherlands 

Research in the Behavioural Biology Group is aimed at understanding the mechanistic basis of animal behaviour in an ecological and evolutionary context, and integrates different levels of biological organisation: from genes and cells to whole organisms, populations and species. Our work addresses fundamental questions in behaviour, neuroscience and evolution, but also considers practical implications for e.g. animal welfare and human health. Specific research interests include behavioural development, including the role of (maternal) hormones and lateralization and its links with personality (Groothuis), ecology and evolution of senescence (Verhulst), sex allocation (Dijkstra), neurobiology of social behaviour (Billeter) and the behavioural ecology of species divergence (Maan). We work on a diversity of model organisms, including birds, fish, rodents, insects and humans. 

The Behavioural Biology Group offers a lively, international and ambitious research environment. Currently, we have three tenured scientific staff, two tenure track assistant professors, one postdoc and eight PhD students. We are supported by a team of laboratory technicians and animal caretakers. We recently moved to a new building with state-of-the-art facilities for keeping a diversity of animal species, including tropical fish. The group is part of the Centre for Behaviour and Neurosciences (CBN). We also collaborate with members of the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies (CEES). The University of Groningen enjoys an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative centre of higher education and belongs to the top 100 universities of the world. 

The Behavioural Biology Group at the University of Groningen offers a PhD position for a project on speciation mechanisms in African cichlid fish. 

Job description 
Within the Behavioural Biology Group, the prospective PhD student will be part of the new research team of Dr. Martine Maan. This team investigates how ecological selection and sexual selection interact during species divergence. 

The PhD student will conduct a research project on Lake Victoria cichlid fish, investigating the genetic basis of visual adaptation to underwater light conditions and its consequences for the development and evolution of visually guided behaviours and sexual signals. Ultimately, we aim to understand how divergent adaptation translates into reproductive isolation. The project involves extensive behavioural experimentation, molecular analysis of visual pigments (sequencing, qPCR, HPLC) and perceptual modeling. The project may also include field work in East Africa. 

- a Master's degree (or equivalent) in Biology, preferably with a strong interest in animal behaviour, ecology, evolution and biodiversity 
- experience with both behavioural observation and molecular genetics techniques 
- good communication and writing skills, also in English 
- other helpful competences include statistical proficiency (e.g. in the R software environment), possession of a driving licence, and a license to perform animal experiments (art. 9 Wet op de dierproeven (the Dutch Experiments on Animal Act)) or the willingness to obtain these. 

Conditions of employment 
The university offers a salary of € 2,083 gross per month in the first year up to a maximum to € 2,664 gross in the final year. The position requires residence in Groningen and must result in a PhD thesis within the 4-year contract period. A PhD training program is part of the agreement and the successful candidate will be enrolled in the Graduate School of Science. Objective of the temporary 4 years position is a number of research articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, together comprising the PhD thesis leading to the granting of the PhD degree (Dr) at the University of Groningen. After the first year will be an evaluation for feasibility of successful completion of the PhD thesis within the next 3 years. 

You may apply for this position before 11 November 2013 Dutch local time by means of the application form at the University website: 
(vacancy number 213226) 
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a one-page statement of research interests, and contact details for two professional references. 

For more information, please contact: 
Martine Maan, +31 50 3632196, m.e.maan [ chez ] 

mercredi 9 octobre 2013

Position available in St Andrews

Applications are invited for the position of part time (50%) Technician within the School of Psychology and Neuroscience, to work with Dr Karen Spencer, Dr Cedric Zimmer and Dr Sue Healy (School of Biology) on a BBSRC funded project entitled “Cognitive decline during ageing: understanding the roles of developmental and adult stress”.  The postholder will provide technical assistance with a variety of techniques, including behavioural tests, neuroendocrine measurements (e.g. radioimmunoassay, immunohistochemistry) and molecular assays (e.g. qPCR).  This is an exciting opportunity to join a growing research group and to undertake high quality research at an internationally-renowned institution.

 The successful candidate will have at least HNC, NVQ3 or equivalent qualifications, plus approximately 3 years relevant work experience and expertise in a range of molecular and/or physiological techniques. This position also requires excellent interpersonal and organisational skills.

 This is a fixed term, half time (18.13 hours per week) position for 36 months, starting 6th January 2014 or soon after. Salary: £20,764 - £24,049 per annum, pro rata.

Informal enquiries are strongly encouraged and can be made to Dr Karen Spencer, Email:

Interview Date:  Late November 2013

Closing Date:  11 November 2013

 Please quote ref:  ML1056

 Further Particulars available at

mardi 8 octobre 2013

Proposition de stage terrain

Objet : Proposition de stage/ Assistanat de terrain en écologie comportementale. Suivi de reproduction et communication acoustique chez sur le Cincle plongeur, Massif de la Chartreuse, France.

L’Equipe de Neuro-Ethologie Sensorielle (ENES) de l’université de Saint-Etienne et l’équipe d’écologie comportementale du Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive (LBBE) de l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 sont actuellement en collaboration pour une étude conjointe d’une espèce de passereau en milieu naturel: le Cincle plongeur. (Cinclus cinclus). Il s’agit du démarrage d’un projet d’étude à long terme sur cette espèce dans le Massif de la Chartreuse. Au cours des premières années le projet sera majoritairement focalisé sur l’étude des communications acoustiques au sein des couples. Nous proposons une offre de stage sur le terrain pour une durée de 8 semaines (non gratifié), à partir du 17 février 2014 (date de début flexible).

Cadre scientifique de l’étude.
La communication acoustique a été largement décrite comme un canal sensoriel important chez les oiseaux. Si les fonctions et les mécanismes du chant chez les passereaux ont été intensément étudiés, on connaît peu sur la communication au sein des couples et sur l’importance de celle-ci sur le maintien et la performance du couple pendant la période de reproduction. Les passereaux occupent des milieux contrastés, au sein desquels la communication acoustique peut-être rendue plus ou moins difficile. Nous proposons ici d’étudier
l’adaptation des communications au sein des couples aux bruits environnementaux naturels.
Le cincle plongeur est une espèce de passereaux ayant la particularité de pêcher ses proies dans des cours d’eau, plus ou moins rapides. Il est ainsi inféodé à l’eau et capable de nicher très proche des rivières ou des cascades. Cet environnement particulièrement bruité représente une forte pression environnementale et des adaptations des communications acoustiques doivent exister en réponse à cette pression.

Description du travail proposé.
Le travail consistera à la fois à suivre la reproduction des oiseaux (repérage et comptage des nids naturels, des oeufs et des éclosions, baguage et mesure des jeunes), et à participer à des expériences de comportement animal : enregistrements des communications des couples pendant l’incubation, tests de personnalité en lien avec la caractérisation comportementale des couples.

Ce stage sera encadré par Blandine Doligez chargée de recherche CNRS, LBBE UMR-CNRS 5558 (Lyon 1), équipe d’écologie comportementale et dynamique des populations et Avelyne Villain, doctorante et Clémentine Vignal, maître de conférence, ENES-CNPS, UMR-CNRS 8195, Saint-Etienne. Blandine Doligez a une grande expertise de terrain chez plusieurs espèces de passereaux et est en charge du projet à long terme d’étude de cette espèce. Avelyne Villain étudie l’adaptation des communications au sein du couple à la contrainte du bruit de fond intermittent ou constant : une étude comparative de deux espèces d'oiseaux dans des environnements contrastés (le Diamant mandarin, Taeniopygia guttata, et le Cincle plongeur, Cinclus cinclus) sous la co-direction de Clémentine Vignal (ENES) et Blandine Doligez (LBBE).

Blandine Doligez : (à privilégier) ou par téléphone 04 76 37 38 01.
Avelyne Villain : ou par téléphone 04 77 48 15 65 ou bien 06 71 40 17 92

lundi 7 octobre 2013

Communication chimique chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota) – stage minimum 2 mois

Encadrement :
Nom : COHAS Prénom : Aurélie Qualité : MCU Tel : 04 72 44 80 18
Laboratoire /Entreprise : UMR CNRS 5558 - LBBE Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive
Adresse : UCB Lyon 1 - Bât. Grégor Mendel
43 bd du 11 novembre 1918
69622 VILLEURBANNE cedex
Courriel :

Mots clés :
Écologie comportementale ; Écologie chimique ; Marmota marmota ; communication chimique ; signaux olfactifs ; caractérisation des signaux chimiques ;

Résumé :
Ce stage propose l’étude de deux aspects de la communication chimique chez la marmotte alpine :
- un test expérimental de l'hypothèse du «dear enemy» ;
- une approche corrélative visant à décoder l'information contenue dans les caractéristiques des signaux chimiques.

Dans la première partie du stage, il s'agira de tester l'hypothèse du « dear enemy » chez la marmotte alpine. Pour cela, de tests comportementaux ont été effectués sur le terrain au cours des deux années précédentes. Ces tests consistent à présenter (1) à des individus dominants des odeurs appartenant à des individus dominants voisins soit à des individus dominants étrangers. Les réactions engendrées par ces stimulations ont été filmées. Dans un premier temps, le stagiaire devra quantifier les différents comportements observées. Dans un deuxième temps, des analyses statistiques seront réalisées avec le programme R afin de comparer les comportements initiés dans les deux types de stimulations (voisin vs. étrangers).
Dans la deuxième partie du stage, il s’agit de tester si les glandes (anales, buccales et jugales) chez la marmotte peuvent être reliées aux caractéristiques (âge, sexe) des marmottes qui les sécrètent. Pour cela, le stagiaire étudiera composition chimique de ces sécrétions odorantes. La composition chimique de prélèvements effectués sur le terrain au cours des deux années précédentes a été déterminée par chromatographie en phase gazeuse/spectrométrie de masse (GC/MS). Dans un premier temps et en coopération avec le Centre Commun de Spectrométrie de Masse de l'Université Lyon 1, l'analyse des spectres sera réalisée avec le logiciel Xcalibur (version 2.0), en utilisant une reconnaissance automatique des pics et de leur aire, ce qui permet d'avoir la quantité relative de chaque molécule dans l'échantillon. Dans un deuxième temps, des analyses multivariées seront utilisées afin de lier caractéristiques de signaux chimiques et caractéristiques des marmottes.

Des références bibliographiques:
Cross, H. B., Blumstein, D. T. & Rosell F. (2012) Do marmots display a ‘dear enemy phenomenon’ in response to anal gland secretions? Journal of Zoology, 289, 189–195.
Rosell, F. & Bjorkoyli, T. (2002). A test of the dear enemy phenomenon in the Eurasian beaver. Animal Behaviour, 63, 1073–1078.
Tinnesand, H. V., Jojola, S., Zedrosser, A. & Rosell, F. (2013) The smell of desperadoes? Beavers distinguish between dominant and subordinate intruders. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 67,895–904

Techniques mises en oeuvre:
Observation et enregistrement du comportement des marmottes.
Utilisation du logiciel Xcalibur.
Les analyses statistiques seront conduites sous R.
Compétences particulières exigées:
Ce stage s'adresse à des étudiants en troisième année de licence ou en master en biologie ou en chimie (avec une forte affinité pour les thématiques liées à la biologie).
Le stagiaire devra faire preuve d'une grande motivation et d'un intérêt marqué pour la recherche fondamentale.
Il devra être autonome et faire preuve d'initiative.
Il devra faire preuve d'une grande rigueur, les données récoltées servant à nos recherches

samedi 5 octobre 2013


Etude du comportement des larves nécrophages de Lucilia sericata (Diptères Calliphoridae) dans des tests de choix en olfactomètre

Contexte : Les larves de Diptères Calliphoridae nécrophages nourrissent des tissus en décomposition et, après deux mues, s’éloignent du cadavre pour se métamorphoser. Ces larves présentent un comportement grégaire très marqué : il est fréquent d’observer en conditions naturelles des masses de plusieurs milliers d’individus. Ces agrégats peuvent être composés d’individus de la même espèce, mais il est fréquent d’observer des groupes interspécifiques. Malgré sa systématicité, le rôle de l’agrégation est mal connu, et les mécanismes collectifs permettant leur formation n’ont jamais été étudiés.
Une récente étude de notre laboratoire a mis en évidence le dépôt au sol par les larves de Lucilia sericata (Diptère Calliphoridae) d’un signal chimique. Ce signal affecte le comportement des larves et est un bon candidat comme vecteur d’agrégation. L’implication éventuelle de composés volatils reste en revanche à tester.

Méthodologie : Ce stage vise à étudier le comportement des larves de L. sericata en réponse à l’odeur émise par un groupe de larves distant. Les individus seront suivis dans des tests de choix en olfactomètre à deux branches. L’objectif est de déterminer si les larves sont capables de détecter à distance un groupe de larves de leur espèce et d’orienter leur déplacement vers ce groupe.
Le stagiaire, en interaction avec l’équipe, sera en charge de la mise en place du protocole expérimental, de la réalisation des observations et de l’analyse des résultats.

Durée et lieu du stage : Stage de 7 semaines (non rémunéré) dans le Département Entomologie de l’Unité de Taphonomie Médico-Légale, à l’Institut Médico-Légal de Lille (rue André Verhaeghe 59045 Lille). Le stage peut commencer à partir de janvier 2014 (ou plus tard selon les disponibilités du candidat).

Profil et compétences : Etudiant(e) en M1 de préférence en sciences du comportement animal. Des rudiments en entomologie et en écologie chimique seraient un plus.

Contact : pour plus d’informations et l’envoi des CV et lettre de motivation contactez Julien Boulay (Doctorant, ou Damien Charabidzé (MCF, ; site internet du département :