mercredi 4 octobre 2017

Doctorat & Maîtrise : Ecologie cognitive et comportementale - U. Ottawa, Canada

Funding is available for PhD or MSc students in the Morand-Ferron lab,  University Research Chair in Cognitive Ecology.
Research  on  cognitive  processes  has  historically  targeted  mechanistic  questions  via  neurosciences  and psychology,  leaving  evolutionary  considerations  mostly  unexamined.  As  a  consequence  we  still  do  not understand  why  cognitive  abilities  vary  so  drastically  between  or  within-species,  or  the  consequences  this variation  has  on  cultural  and  biological  evolution.  The  graduate  projects  will  seek  to:  (i)  quantify  variation  in cognitive abilities, i.e.  learning, memory,  social information use; (ii) examine sources of variation in cognitive performance,  including  heritability,  the  developmental  environment,  and  the  ecological  and  social  context  of
tests; and (iii) examine consequences of this variation on life-history traits and fitness.
Cognition, behaviour and winter survival in wild black-capped chickadees, Poecile atricapillus, along an urbanization gradient Chickadees  form  small  social  groups  during  the  non-breeding  season  and  stay  on  a  common  home  range throughout winter. This project will investigate the causes and consequences of sociality during the non -breeding season,  and  examine  links  between  social  information  use,  sociability,  leadership,  dominance  and  overwinter survival  in  wild  chickadees.  Moreover  the  project  will  quantify  variation  between  flocks  along  an  established series of field sites that extends from urban parks in Ottawa to neighbouring rural areas.
Evolutionary ecology of spatial cognition in crickets Gryllus spp.:
Crickets have been suggested to use spatial memory of landmarks around their burrow to navigate their environment. This project aims to investigate spatial cognition in males and females crickets, determine the heritability of related traits, and the effect of various ecological conditions during development via controlled experiments in the lab, with a possibility for accompanying field experiments.
Cognition and personality in a colony of zebra finches Taenopygia guttata
Zebra finches allow examining research questions on the development of cognition and correlated traits, and provide opportunities to conduct long-term experiments on individual and social information use and learning.
To apply: Send a short cover letter, resume, and latest unofficial transcript to
Selected candidates will be guaranteed a paid position of 20 000$CAD per year (4 years for PhD, 2 years for MSc). Canadian applicants with >80% CGPA in their last two years of studies automatically obtain a UO scholarship covering tuition fees for the duration of their studies, and are expected to apply for NSERC and OGS scholarships. International graduate students are eligible to a partial scholarship from UO that covers the difference between international and Canadian fees; applicants from French-speaking countries or institutions pay their tuition fees at the level of Canadian citizens (approx. 8000$/year). Ideal candidates would have research experience in cognitive or behavioural ecology; applicants for a PhD position are expected to also have experience with scientific writing.
Dr Julie Morand-Ferron
Associate Professor and University Research Chair in Cognitive Ecology
Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Canada